Local fisherman – Jim Harris flyfishing in the Delta Clearwater. Photo by Dwight Phillips
Visitors to the Delta area have a variety of fishing opportunities available. There are numerous lakes along the highway system which are stocked by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game with rainbow trout, silver salmon, Arctic char, lake trout and grayling. Those include Lisa, Donna, Little Donna, Bolio, Donnelly, Mark, North Twin and South Twin lakes.
Several lakes, including three of the largest stocked lakes – Quartz, Birch and Harding, all located between Delta and Fairbanks – can he driven to while others are away from the highway and one must hike in to them.
Numerous lakes with natural populations of lake trout, grayling, whitefish and burbot are found in the Paxson and Denali Highway area. Many of these lakes are easily accessible by ear and can be fished from the shoreline.

Max Lawrence fishing at Quartz Lake caught a nice26″, 4.6 pound rainbow trout. Photo by Bill Lawrence (father)
Smaller lakes along Meadows Road and Coal Mine Road near Delta offer a wide diversity of fishing opportunities. Meadows Road lakes are accessible via military roads open to the public, but check in at Fort Greely first.
Max Lawrence fishing at Quartz Lake caught a nice 26″, 4.6 pound rainbow trout. Photo by Bill Lawrence (father)
Coal Mine Road offers fishing off the beaten path. The lakes are small but fishing success for rainbow trout, Arctic char and lake trout is good. Coal Mine Road is not recommended for large camping trailers. Trucks with good traction are advised.
Several lakes accessible by trail are found between Delta Junction and Tok. These include Donna Lakes, Bluff Cabin, Jan, Lisa, Craig and Robertson #2. These lakes have been stocked with rainbow trout.
Stream fishing for grayling and whitefish is available in several streams in the Delta area including the Delta Clearwater, Shaw Creek, Goodpaster River, Salcha River and the Richardson Clearwater. Access roads are available to limited areas on Shaw Creek, Delta Clearwater and the Salcha River. The others must be reached by riverboat.
Visitors are cautioned that the larger rivers are hazardous to travel and proper equipment and knowledge of the area is required.
The Tanana River, although turbid from glacial silt, provides fishing opportunities for burbot. Burbot or freshwater lingcod are predators and can be taken with cut bait (non-edible fish parts, herring, liver, etc.). Consult the sport fishing regulations booklet for hook size requirements, etc. Best locations are in back eddies and at the mouths of tributary streams.
If you plan on fishing in our state, you must purchase and possess a sport fishing license to participate in Alaska sport and personal use fisheries. Licenses are required for:
All residents age 18 and over
All nonresidents age 16 or older
You can now buy your license online and print your license at home! You can also purchase licenses for more than one person in the same transaction (great for families, fishing and hunting lodges, and fish processors). (Learn more about licenses and tags.)

Angler Seth caught this grayling on a 6.5′ bamboo flyrod with a “Duke” 1942 vintage single action flyreel. Fishing on Clearwater River. Photo by Uncle Dwight Phillips
A resident license for a year is available for $20. A nonresident sportfishing license, good for one calendar year, costs $100. A special nonresident 14-day sportfishing license costs $75, a seven-day license is available for $45, a three-day license is available for $30 and a one-day license is $15. More information can be found on the Alaska Fish and Game website. Current information for 2024.
Fishing gear can be found in sporting goods stores throughout the area, as can good advice on where the ‘best spots’ are.
More information on sport fishing opportunities can be obtained from Fish and Game offices in Delta, Tok, Fairbanks and Glennallen and from the Delta Visitors Center. Location maps for lakes along Coal Mine and Meadows roads are available at the Delta F&G office.

Local fishermen icefishing on Bolio Lake. Photo by Michael Kingston
As you travel through Alaska, refer to the Sport Fishing regulation booklet often to be aware of special regulations that apply to the various regulatory areas and individual waters.
Fish an Alaska Lake or River
Birch Lake – Rainbow Trout, Landlocked (King and Silver) Salmon, Grayling, Arctic Char
Clearwater State Rec Site (Also known as Delta Clearwater River) – Arctic Grayling, Whitefish, Silver and Chum Salmon
Donna and Little Donna Lakes – Rainbow Trout
Fielding Lake – Arctic Grayling, Lake Trout, Burbot, Whitefish
George Lake – Northern Pike, Burbot. Accessible by boat or float plane in summer and snowmachine or Ski plane in winter. Located about 37 miles southeast of Delta Junction
Lisa Lake – Rainbow trout and landlocked Silver salmon. Easy 1 mile walk into the lake on a gravel trail.
Coal Mine Road Lakes – Rainbow Trout, Arctic Grayling, Arctic Char, Lake Trout, Landlocked (King) salmon. Public Use, Kens Pond
Donnelly Training Area (Meadows Road Lakes)– Rainbow Trout, Arctic Char, Arctic Grayling, Lake Trout, Landlocked (King and Silver) Salmon
Lost Lake – Catchable size rainbow trout. Can only be fished from the dock or a canoe. No boat landing.
Shaw Creek – Arctic Grayling, limited public access to fish from shore.
Tanana River – Burbot, look for slow back eddies along roadside access points.
Quartz Lake – Landlocked (King and Silver) Salmon, Rainbow Trout, Arctic Char. Each year more than 34,000 fish are harvested.
Paxson Lake (in the Upper Copper Upper Susitna drainage) – Lake Trout, Arctic Grayling, Chinook Salmon
Tangle Lakes – Lake Trout, Grayling, Whitefish, Burbot. Drive south from Delta about 80 miles, turn right and drive to Mile 20 on the Denali Highway.
Volkmar Lake – Northern Pike. Accessible only by float or ski plane as conditions warrant or snowmachine. Winter only access trails are located at Quartz Lake and the Alaska Highway. Inquire at the local ADF&G office for trail access and conditions.
Additional Stocked Lakes in the Tanana Valley (Fairbanks, Delta, Tok)
Thank you to Brandy Baker, Alaska Fish and Game, for helping with this page on our local lakes and links.